Pastoral Ministry
Presentation Sisters use their gifts to serve God by engaging in pastoral ministries in parishes, hospitals, pastoral counseling programs and a variety of social agencies. These ministries differ from parish to parish, organization to organization, depending on the needs of the people and the programs offered. In those roles Sisters share life, accompany, guide, counsel and console, as well as celebrate and rejoice with God’s people as they live through the sorrows and joys, opportunities and crises of life.

Sister Diana Blong ministers as pastoral associate at Immaculate Conception Parish in Charles City, Iowa. Creative, energetic, enthusiastic and hardworking, Sister Diana juggles multiple commitments throughout the week. In addition to pastoral care ministries, she assists social justice and parish life committees, and enjoys intercultural and community outreach opportunities.

Presently she is co-director for the Associate Partnership. She also is on the pastoral care team at Mt. St. Francis Center in Dubuque, Iowa. She loves to learn and grow, expanding herself in what is evolving. She enjoys being in nature and beauty, surrounding herself with God’s presence. She loves dance movement that opens her to the Divine within and around her.

Sister Mery Cari Paz, currently the only native Bolivian in the Dubuque Presentation community, ministers as a missionary in her native Bolivia. She counsels individuals and families, animates family catechesis, visits and accompanies families in need.

Sister Cheryl Demmer volunteer ministers to the homebound and elderly of St. Mary and Mathias parishes in Muscatine and Wilton, Iowa. Sister Cheryl, an energetic and creative, as well as competent minister, exercises leadership skills wherever she serves. Sister Cheryl tries to be of service wherever there is a need.

Sister Michaeline Healy wholeheartedly ministers as pastoral associate at St. Mary Parish in Caledonia, Minnesota, where she offers ongoing prayer, support, and leadership for parishioners. She is co-director of a grief group at St. Mary’s in Caledonia, MN.

Sister Annette Kestel is a pastoral associate at Epiphany Parish in Mason City, Iowa. Her responsibilities include adult faith formation, welcoming new parish members, marriage preparation, working with parish liturgical ministers, and individual spiritual direction. In her free time, Sister Annette enjoys sewing, reading, walking and music.

Sister Margaret Anne Kramer, with two part-time jobs, ministers as pastoral associate at St. Anthony Parish in Dubuque, Iowa, and as pastoral care coordinator at Mount Loretto motherhouse. On-call around the clock, Sister Margaret Anne responds to a variety of needs. She enjoys spending time with friends and family members in the between-times.