International Presentation Association

Flowing from their identity as Presentation women the mission of IPA is to channel their resources so that they can speak and act in partnership with others for global justice. In carrying out this mission, they nurture a contemplative stance.

Every four-to-five years leaders from Presentation congregations around the world meet to discuss how they can collaborate and communicate to more fully embody Presentation mission and charism. They continue to strengthen their justice network to work for structural change especially in issues related to women and children, indigenous peoples, environment/sustainable living and human rights.

They continue to develop the most effective means to use their non-governmental status with the Economic and Social Council at the United Nations and work with other local, national and international people’s movements and organizations which work for structural change. IPA uses this consultative status to influence policies at the United Nations on behalf of people and Earth made poor and advocate for systemic justice in collaboration with other like-minded NGOs and religious organizations at the UN. The IPA NGO Representative at the UN connects the grass roots and the UN by bringing in the experiences of local communities to the UN and facilitating grass root participation at UN events.

They are committed to solidarity in mission through the sharing of personnel, finance and other resources.

The International Presentation Association is comprised of the three Presentation Units: Union of Presentation Sisters, Conference of Presentation Sisters of North America and the Presentation Society of Australia and Papua New Guinea

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