Welcoming New 2024 Associates

On May 16, 2024, four women professed their commitment to the Presentation Associate Partnership in a beautiful ceremony in Sacred Heart Chapel at Mount Loretto. The joyous occasion included talks by each candidate, readings of the Presentation mission statement and associate identity statement and the signing of commitment. Each new associate was given a Presentation pin or pendant. After the commitment ceremony, they were lovingly greeted and welcomed by sisters associates, family and friends.

Together these associates chose the group name of Nano’s Lanterns of Hope. They are inspired by Nano Nagle’s vision and courage and want to take her lantern light, now shining in them, into today’s challenging times that each of them agreed are so urgently in need of hope.

Connie Bellaver is a retired nurse practitioner and has been married to her husband Peter for 56 years. They have two children, Noelle and Andrew. As a “Martha,” a do-er, Connie says she needs to be involved, making a difference. Her goal is to leave this world better than it was when she entered it. To that end, Connie feels that it is a joyful challenge to participate in the drive and work that fuels the Presentation mission.

Bonnie Hancock is also a retired nurse, having enjoyed a 47-year career in pediatrics and hospice. Seeds of interest in the Presentation way of life were planted many years ago through her aunt, Sister Janice Hancock, and in spiritual conversations with Sister Julia Wingert. The seeds have grown to the commitment she made to the Associate Partnership. A recent debilitating disease put her life of active service on hold. Now, Bonnie is discovering that her ministry is evolving into one of deep prayer, as well as letter writing to promote justice.

Kathy Petitgout learned of the Associate Partnership through her mother, Charlotte Danner, who was an associate. Kathy enjoys retirement by volunteering at her parish and as an emergency room companion for the Sisters of Charity (BVM) in Dubuque. Continuing Nano’s journey with the lantern, Kathy hopes to bring light to the world by deepening her spiritual being and by ministering to and with persons made poor. Kathy states, “If I can help with the poor and marginalized, pointing all to God who is everywhere, seeing Him in the small things that need to be done, I will be a blessed associate.”

Marge Reidy has known the Presentation Sisters for as long as she can remember through her aunt, Sister Robert Reidy, and her sister, Sarah Kane, who was a member of the community. Marge is the oldest of eight children, attended St. Patrick School in Ryan, Iowa, and then taught with Presentation Sisters at Wahlert High School in Dubuque. Marge retired from teaching in 2011 but enjoys substitute teaching. Following Nano’s pioneer spirit in Catholic education and advocacy for the poor, Marge intends to offer hope and love to our broken world, as well as confront injustice. She wants to share the life, spirituality, mission and radical hospitality of the Dubuque Presentation Sisters.

The Presentation community welcomes and congratulates Connie, Bonnie, Kathy and Marge, certain their lives will be enriched by the many gifts of these four women.