Sister Richelle Friedman Joins Nuns on the Bus Tour

NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus have driven thousands of miles across the United States to prophetically speak for justice and advocate for adequate federal policies.

What is Nuns on the Bus?

Nuns on the Bus & Friends is a project of NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice. This year, Catholic Sisters — and coalition partners — will embark on their eighth national bus tour to promote multi-issue voting for the common good, in the 2024 election and beyond! WHERE? This year’s tour includes 20 cities in 11 states, over two and a half weeks. We begin the tour with a kickoff event in Philadelphia, make our way through cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, Phoenix, and Las Vegas, and complete our tour in San Francisco! See the full schedule in this packet and at:


September 30 – October 18, 2024.


To mobilize Catholics and all people of good will to Vote Our Future — so everyone thrives, no exceptions!


Too often, our politics and economy are dominated by a small group of wealthy people, who use fearmongering and scapegoating to pit us against each other while they pass policies to line their own pockets—at our expense. But we know from experience that when we come together and vote for the common good, we deliver good health care, affordable housing, clean air and water, dignified wages, paid leave, and all the things our communities need to flourish. This year, nuns and their friends are back on the bus to proclaim that together, we will vote for a future that includes all of us.


Sisters and their multi-faith and secular coalition partners on the bus will meet with people and organizations across the country to talk about our freedoms at stake in this election, how multi-issue voting helps our communities thrive, and voter resources like NETWORK’s Equally Sacred Checklist (included in this packet). This year’s tour will include town halls, rallies, and press conferences, as well as site visits to local social service agencies and community organizations.


Sister Richelle joined the last leg of the tour and shares her experience on their stop in Phoenix.

Sweet Encounters in Phoenix

Below are other powerful reflections by riders on the bus.

To learn more: please visit these platforms to learn more:
Facebook (NETWORK), Facebook (Nuns on the Bus), and Instagram or or


Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values. For 52 years, NETWORK has educated, organized, and lobbied for federal policies that serve the common good, honor the dignity of all, and foster an inclusive, multiracial, multifaith democracy.