Our Journey Toward Justice
Our commitment to justice is deeply woven into the very essence of the charism of the Sisters of the Presentation, emphasized in the community’s mission statement: “We, the Sisters of the Presentation, are called to evangelize, offering hope and love to our broken world by incarnating the hospitality of God, confronting injustice and working for peace.”
We recognize that justice is multifaceted and acknowledge the intersectionality of social justice concerns. Within each of our justice teams, our efforts extend beyond their specific foci to encompass various other justice initiatives. Each justice team contributes to our collective mission, ensuring that we become beacons of light in our communities, illuminating justice.
In order to highlight the interconnectivity of our community’s justice work, we have decided to call all groups working on justice issues, “justice teams.” Each justice team will have a logo connected to their work. The hope is that this will create more clarity for internal communication.
Justice Team: Laudato Si’ Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’, this team focuses on educating, inspiring and activating a deeper understanding of our responsibility to care for our planet. The team works to shift consciousness away from the dominant paradigms of exploitation, waste and commodification that harm the Earth.
We also recognize the urgent need to transition away from fossil fuels. This Laudato Si’ justice team focuses on researching, budgeting and planning for widespread adoption of solar energy on the Mount Loretto property as a key step towards mitigating climate change.
Justice Team: Land Justice We currently have two justice teams focusing on land justice. In response to growing awareness of indigenous land rights, the Land Futures Indigenous justice team educates the community on the history of the land and advocates for healing past injustices inflicted upon indigenous communities.
Stewardship of the Mount Loretto property is regarded as an honor and responsibility. The Mount Loretto Land Use justice team collaborates with local professionals to explore the optimal use of the land, ensuring it is passed on as a gift to future generations.
Justice Team: Racial Equity Acknowledging racism as a systemic issue, the Racial Equity team works to help our community confront unconscious biases and social structures that perpetuate division to create more a welcoming culture. They collaborate with local Black leaders to advance racial equity and foster a more inclusive culture.
Justice Team: Women and Children Our foundress, Nano Nagle’s profound commitment to serving the marginalized, particularly women and children, resonates deeply within our community. Initially rooted in educating generations of children, today we advocate for the rights and well-being of women and children in a myriad of ways. From comforting abused women to nurturing immigrant children and advocating for marginalized communities, this justice teams addresses the unmet needs of women and children in all walks of life, both locally and globally.