Final Vow Preparation

March 4, 2020

Today marks the beginning of Sister Mary Therese Krueger’s preparation for final vows with the Sisters of the Presentation. During a “Walking With” ceremony, Sister Mary Therese gave witness to her call and her discernment journey.

“Today I am able to freely choose this vocation as a Presentation Sister,” states Sister Mary Therese. “Throughout my time here, I have discovered the abundant blessings of being a member of the Presentation family. What’s more is that I have found myself at home and found great freedom in my life as a Presentation Sister. The freedom I have gained from living vows of poverty, chastity and obedience have helped to refine and recognize the person God calls me to be in the world. This has been only possible by the grace of God and the mentorship, friendship, prayer and love of others. I feel the power of community when I am here or if I am across the world because, where one of us is, we all are. I carry this community in my heart and ask in this time that you especially carry me in yours as I prepare for my final profession.”

Sister Mary Therese will spend the next months preparing to embrace a lifetime commitment to consecrated life by reflecting on the prophetic mission and nature of this call. She will profess perpetual vows on December 12, 2020.