Vocation and Young Adult Events

Vocation and Young Adult Events

Chicago’s Got Sisters Virtual Event

March 20, 2021
Over Zoom, join in conversation on discerning God’s will, time for prayer and reflection and brief introductions to a diverse group of religious sisters’ communities and charisms.

Mary’s Journey Through Advent Online Retreat

November 29, 2020 – December 20, 2020
Spend your Advent with Mary, other young adult women of faith, and Presentation Sisters from across North America. Each Sunday we will meet for an hour of prayer and faith-sharing. This online retreat is for single, young adult women.

Seek & Serve: Service & Discernment Trip to New Orleans

The Sisters of the Presentation invite women to attend a week-long service and discernment experience in New Orleans. Date to be determined due to COVID-19 precautions.

Chicago’s Got Sisters Virtual Event

October 17, 2020
Over Zoom, join in conversation with religious sisters from various communities and explore possibilities of life as a vowed consecrated woman.

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